Results for 'Carlos López Zaragoza'

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  1.  27
    Pérez chico, David : Perspectivas en la filosofía Del lenguaje, prensas universitarias de zaragoza, zaragoza, 2013.Carlos Yebra López - 2015 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 64:174.
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  2. Sowing the seeds of secular humanism in Mexico.Patricia Lopez-Zaragoza - 1994 - Free Inquiry 14 (3).
  3.  12
    El legado iusfilosófico de San Isidoro de Sevilla. Ley y derecho en el Libro V de las Etimologías.Carlos López Bravo - 2023 - Isidorianum 12 (23):9-30.
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  4. Consideraciones sobre el concepto de ley natural en San Pablo.Carlos López Bravo - 2002 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 9:275-286.
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    La Ultima Nocion De Significado Estimular De Quine.Carlos Lopez Losada - 2002 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 17 (1):113-135.
    The notion of stimulus meaning, a key notion for Quine's Indeterminacy of Translation thesis, has undergone an essentiaJ change fi'om the beginning of the nineties. Then, this essay offers an expository work oj this change (its origin and motivations) and its final result. Th~ main aim of this essay is to show the validity of the reasons that forced Quine to modify his stimulus meaning notion and the failure of its substitutes (global stimulus, stimulus range, and perceptual similarity) to solue (...)
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    The operative mind: A functional, computational and modeling approach to machine consciousness.Carlos Hernández, Ignacio López & Ricardo Sanz - 2009 - International Journal of Machine Consciousness 1 (1):83-98.
    The functional capabilities that consciousness seems to provide to biological systems can supply valuable principles in the design of more autonomous and robust technical systems. These functional concepts keep a notable similarity to those underlying the notion of operating system in software engineering, which allows us to specialize the computer metaphor for the mind into that of the operating system metaphor for consciousness. In this article, departing from these ideas and a model-based theoretical framework for cognition, we present an architectural (...)
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  7. Kuhn, Putnam y el agua1.Carlos López Losada - 2000 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 19 (1):59-73.
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  8. Filosofía de la biología en Iberoamérica.Mario Casanueva, Carlos López Beltrán & Maximiliano Martínez - 2017 - Metatheoria – Revista de Filosofía E Historia de la Ciencia 8:1--10.
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    Legal Personality of Artificial Intelligences: From the classical canonical concept of legal person to the design of a specific legal personality and a Registry of Artificial Persons.Carlos López Segovia - 2024 - Isidorianum 33 (2):353-393.
    On 16 February 2017, the European Parliament made recommendations to the Commission about civil law rules on robotics, including a proposal to design a specific legal personality for autonomous robots and most sophisticated Artificial Intelligences with the capacity to make decisions and interact with third parties. Although the recent European Union’s Artificial Intelligence Act presents notable advances on supervision, surveillance, control and registration in this field, the question of legal personality remains an open issue. In order to design a specific (...)
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  10. Neodarwinismo y predicción.Carlos López-Fanjul de Argüelles - 1984 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 14 (1):161-176.
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    El Gene Como Factor Causal Probabilístico En La Teoría De La Selección Natural.Carlos López Beltrán - 1993 - Critica 25 (75):31-53.
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  12. The Gettier Intuition from South America to Asia.Edouard Machery, Stephen Stich, David Rose, Mario Alai, Adriano Angelucci, Renatas Berniūnas, Emma E. Buchtel, Amita Chatterjee, Hyundeuk Cheon, In-Rae Cho, Daniel Cohnitz, Florian Cova, Vilius Dranseika, Ángeles Eraña Lagos, Laleh Ghadakpour, Maurice Grinberg, Ivar Hannikainen, Takaaki Hashimoto, Amir Horowitz, Evgeniya Hristova, Yasmina Jraissati, Veselina Kadreva, Kaori Karasawa, Hackjin Kim, Yeonjeong Kim, Minwoo Lee, Carlos Mauro, Masaharu Mizumoto, Sebastiano Moruzzi, Christopher Y. Olivola, Jorge Ornelas, Barbara Osimani, Carlos Romero, Alejandro Rosas Lopez, Massimo Sangoi, Andrea Sereni, Sarah Songhorian, Paulo Sousa, Noel Struchiner, Vera Tripodi, Naoki Usui, Alejandro Vázquez del Mercado, Giorgio Volpe, Hrag Abraham Vosgerichian, Xueyi Zhang & Jing Zhu - 2017 - Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research 34 (3):517-541.
    This article examines whether people share the Gettier intuition (viz. that someone who has a true justified belief that p may nonetheless fail to know that p) in 24 sites, located in 23 countries (counting Hong Kong as a distinct country) and across 17 languages. We also consider the possible influence of gender and personality on this intuition with a very large sample size. Finally, we examine whether the Gettier intuition varies across people as a function of their disposition to (...)
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  13.  43
    Global manufacturing in the Mexican culture perspective: a case study. [REVIEW]Carlos Acosta & Alejandro López - 2003 - AI and Society 17 (3-4):364-374.
    The objective of this work is to analyse and provide solutions to the problems encountered during the engineering processes undertaken by global companies established in Mexico. The considerations for this study are not only centred on the engineering work but also on its relation to the culture and the people within which this process takes place. One automobile consortium with a huge assembly plant in Mexico is researched, and a case study is developed for its engineering change process. The time (...)
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  14.  85
    Can We Motivate Students to Practice Physical Activities and Sports Through Models-Based Practice? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Psychosocial Factors Related to Physical Education.Manuel Jacob Sierra-Díaz, Sixto González-Víllora, Juan Carlos Pastor-Vicedo & Guillermo Felipe López-Sánchez - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Adults (more than 18 years old) are likely to reproduce the habits that they acquired during childhood and adolescence (from 6 to 16 years old). For that reason, teachers and parents have the responsibility to promote an active and healthy lifestyle in children and adolescents. Even though every school subject should promote healthy activities, Physical Education (PE) is the most important subject to foster well-being habits associated to healthy lifestyle during sport practice and other kinds of active tasks. Indeed, there (...)
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  15.  24
    Luces y sombras de la relevancia histórica según el tipo de actividad: diseño de una propuesta de descriptores para la optimización de la evaluación.Alejandro López-García, María Victoria Zaragoza Vidal, Jesús Molina Saorín & Francisco Javier Trigueros Cano - 2023 - Clío: History and History Teaching 49:107-130.
    El conocimiento histórico –entendido como un proceso metacognitivo de asimilación constructiva sobre el pasado para explicar fenómenos– comporta un análisis del impacto y la transcendencia de determinados acontecimientos y procesos históricos, en cuya comprensión y valoración influye el concepto de relevancia histórica. Desde esta perspectiva es necesario implementar propuestas de evaluación sólidas, vinculadas al desarrollo competencial. El objetivo de este estudio es diseñar una guía de caracterización de los instrumentos evaluativos –actividades y ejercicios– más utilizados por el profesorado de Historia, (...)
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  16. (1 other version)Normalización de la filosofía Y filosofía latinoamericana en colombia. Vivencia de un proceso.Carlos Arturo López - 2012 - Universitas Philosophica 29 (58):309-327.
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    Consciosusness in cognitive architectures. A principled analysis of rcs, soar and act-r.Carlos Hernandez, Ricardo Sanz & Ignacio Lopez - 2008
    This report analyses the aplicability of the principles of consciousness developed in the ASys project to three of the most relevant cognitive architectures. This is done in relation to their aplicability to build integrated control systems and studying their support for general mechanisms of real-time consciousness. To analyse these architectures the ASys Framework is employed. This is a conceptual framework based on an extension for cognitive autonomous systems of the General Systems Theory (GST). A general qualitative evaluation criteria for cognitive (...)
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  18.  57
    New Directions in Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics: Codes of Conduct in the Digital Environment.David López Jiménez, Eduardo Carlos Dittmar & Jenny Patricia Vargas Portillo - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-11.
    Corporate social responsibility has an impact on many areas of society, and it has recently been active in the digital space, a growing area of business activity. However, certain factors prevent it from firmly establishing itself in this area. One of these factors is the lack of user trust. Certain instruments have been created to address this issue, such as codes of conduct that seek to mitigate the causes of distrust by making significant improvements in the regulations and ethical standards (...)
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  19.  29
    Diseño de aplicación para manipulación de grafos con algoritmos heurísticos de análisis.Carlos Andrés López & William Ardila Urueña - forthcoming - Scientia.
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  20. La última noción de significado estimular de Quine.Carlos López Losada - 2002 - Theoria 17 (43):113-135.
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  21. Sociedad anónima: anonimato e irresponsabilidad, consideraciones a partir de la analítica del poder de Michel Foucault.Carlos Fuentes López - 2009 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 41 (126):87-121.
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  22. Goal Preferences, Affect, Activity Patterns and Health Outcomes in Women With Fibromyalgia.Maria-Angeles Pastor-Mira, Sofía López-Roig, Fermín Martínez-Zaragoza, Eva León, Ester Abad, Ana Lledó & Cecilia Peñacoba - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  23.  25
    La involuntariedad de los actos según Francisco Suárez.José Carlos Sánchez-López - 2022 - Patristica Et Mediaevalia 43 (1).
    El objetivo de este artículo es definir la concepción del acto involuntario de Francisco Suárez y mostrarla como un medio que permite comprender y profundizar en su teoría de la acción humana. En esta cuestión, el Doctor Eximio parte de presupuestos elaborados por Tomás de Aquino que amplía y adapta siguiendo sus propias tesis metafísicas y teológicas sobre la relación entre Dios y las creaturas. Mostraremos cómo Suárez vincula el verdadero involuntario con el _simpliciter_, lo forzado, necesario e indeseado, dejando (...)
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  24.  22
    Estudio de percepción de estudiantes de medicina veterinaria de la modalidad on-line a la presencialidad.Carlos A. Flores Olivares, Pamela E. Yañez Mariman, Bárbara A. Espinace López & Lorena Andrea Ortega Paiva - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 12 (4):1-5.
    SARS-CoV-2 en 2019, generó que estudiantes Universitarios iniciaran su proceso de formación on-line. En el 2022 las restricciones mundiales dieron paso a un retorno paulatino, donde estos estudiantes, comenzaron su formación presencial. Debido a ello, encuestamos a 65 estudiantes para evaluar su percepción de esta transición. En relación al aprendizaje: 64,6% prefiere la presencialidad. Relacionado a comodidad un 61,5% prefiere la presencialidad. Relacionado a programas de perfeccionamiento 32,3% realizaría uno on-line. En relación a dedicación y compromiso con sus estudios, 76,9% (...)
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  25. “Todas las fronteras son porosas” Continuidad filosófica entre el Medioevo y la Modernidad.José Carlos Sánchez-López & Manuel Porcel Moreno - forthcoming - Thémata Revista de Filosofía.
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  26.  59
    Forging heredity: From metaphor to cause, a reification story.Carlos López-Beltrán - 1994 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 25 (2):211-235.
  27.  34
    Aspectos Éticos de la Investigación Clínica en seres humanos.Carlos M. Albornoz López del Castillo, Alejandro Aguero Díaz, Yanelys Cabrera Villalobos & Carmen Alonso Montes de Oca - 2003 - Humanidades Médicas 3 (2):0-0.
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  28. Against the Tide. A Critical Review by Scientists of How Physics and Astronomy Get Done.Martín López Corredoira & Carlos Castro Perelman (eds.) - 2008 - Universal Publishers.
    Nobody should have a monopoly of the truth in this universe. The censorship and suppression of challenging ideas against the tide of mainstream research, the blacklisting of scientists, for instance, is neither the best way to do and filter science, nor to promote progress in the human knowledge. The removal of good and novel ideas from the scientific stage is very detrimental to the pursuit of the truth. There are instances in which a mere unqualified belief can occasionally be converted (...)
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  29.  11
    Nota editorial: filosofía y educación.Camilo Andrés López & Carlos Mario Fisgativa - 2023 - Revista Disertaciones 12 (2):3-7.
    En los años recorridos de este siglo XXI la filosofía de la educación y la enseñanza de la filosofía, particularmente en Colombia e Iberoamérica, se han convertido en campos de acción y de profunda reflexión. Dado que ponen en discusión la relación de las filosofías con su pasado, con las instituciones y llevan necesariamente a preguntarnos por su quehacer en el presente y sus condiciones a futuro. Los debates teóricos y la confrontación de perspectivas han venido ganando fuerza, como lo (...)
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    Suicidal Ideation Mediates the Relationship Between Affect and Suicide Attempt in Adolescents.Andrés Rubio, Juan Carlos Oyanedel, Marian Bilbao, Andrés Mendiburo-Seguel, Verónica López & Dario Páez - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Suicide, as one of the leading causes of death for the adolescent population, both in Chile and globally, remains a complex and elusive phenomenon. This research studies the association between positive and negative affect in relation with suicidal ideation and suicidal attempt, given that affectivity is a fundamental basis on which people make evaluations on their satisfaction with life. First, it examines the reliability, structure, and validity of Watson’s positive and negative affect scale (PANAS) scale in a representative random sample (...)
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    Neural Correlates of Visuospatial Attention to Unseen Stimuli in Hemianopic Patients. A Steady-State Visual Evoked Potential Study.Javier Sanchez-Lopez, Silvia Savazzi, Caterina Annalaura Pedersini, Nicolò Cardobi & Carlo Alberto Marzi - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  32. Kuhn, Putnam y el agua.Carlos Lopez Losada - 2000 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 19 (1):59-73.
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    Storytelling, statistics and hereditary thought: the narrative support of early statistics.Carlos López-Beltrán - 2006 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 37 (1):41-58.
    This paper’s main contention is that some basically methodological developments in science which are apparently distant and unrelated can be seen as part of a sequential story. Focusing on general inferential and epistemological matters, the paper links occurrences separated by both in time and space, by formal and representational issues rather than social or disciplinary links. It focuses on a few limited aspects of several cognitive practices in medical and biological contexts separated by geography, disciplines and decades, but connected by (...)
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  34.  23
    Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on University Students' Physical Activity Levels: An Early Systematic Review.Alejandro López-Valenciano, David Suárez-Iglesias, Miguel A. Sanchez-Lastra & Carlos Ayán - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Purpose: This systematic review aimed to analyze the impact that the COVID-19 lockdown had on the amount of physical activity performed by university students.Materials and Methods: A systematic electronic search for studies providing information regarding physical activity levels pre and during COVID-19 pandemic in university students was performed up to 20th October 2020 in the databases Cochrane Library, PubMed, SPORTDiscus, and Web of Science. The risk of bias of external validity quality of included studies was assessed by means of those (...)
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  35.  35
    A Local Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics.Carlos Lopez - 2016 - Foundations of Physics 46 (4):484-504.
    A local interpretation of quantum mechanics is presented. Its main ingredients are: first, a label attached to one of the “virtual” paths in the path integral formalism, determining the output for measurement of position or momentum; second, a mathematical model for spin states, equivalent to the path integral formalism for point particles in space time, with the corresponding label. The mathematical machinery of orthodox quantum mechanics is maintained, in particular amplitudes of probability and Born’s rule; therefore, Bell’s type inequalities theorems (...)
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  36.  76
    In the Cradle of Heredity; French Physicians and L'Hérédité Naturelle in the Early 19th Century.Carlos López-Beltrán - 2004 - Journal of the History of Biology 37 (1):39 - 72.
    This paper argues that our modern concept of biological heredity was first clearly introduced in a theoretical and practical setting by the generation of French physicians that were active between 1810 and 1830. It describes how from a traditional focus on hereditary transmission of disease, influential French medical men like Esquirol, Fodéré, Piorry, Lévy, moved towards considering heredity a central concept for the conception of the human bodily frame, and its set of physical and moral dispositions. The notion of heredity (...)
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  37.  30
    La involuntariedad de los actos según Francisco Suárez.Sanchez Lopez J. Carlos - 2022 - Patristica Et Mediaevalia 43 (1).
    El objetivo de este artículo es definir la concepción del acto involuntario de Francisco Suárez y mostrarla como un medio que permite comprender y profundizar en su teoría de la acción humana. En esta cuestión, el Doctor Eximio parte de presupuestos elaborados por Tomás de Aquino que amplía y adapta siguiendo sus propias tesis metafísicas y teológicas sobre la relación entre Dios y las creaturas. Mostraremos cómo Suárez vincula el verdadero involuntario con el _simpliciter_, lo forzado, necesario e indeseado, dejando (...)
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  38.  13
    The deterministic part of the seventh International Planning Competition.Carlos Linares López, Sergio Jiménez Celorrio & Ángel García Olaya - 2015 - Artificial Intelligence 223 (C):82-119.
  39.  50
    Schafick Jorge Handal e a “unidade” do FMLN de pós-guerra: entre a memória e a história. El Salvador, 1992-2015.Carlos Gregorio López Bernal - 2016 - Dialogos 20 (2):13.
    Este artigo examina o papel desempenhado por Schafick Jorge Handal no processo de conversão política do Frente Farabundo Martí para a Libertação Nacional, no período de pós-guerra. Aqui são analisados os principais debates vinculados à redefinição política e ideológica do FMLN, à liderança do partido e à democracia interna. Este processo foi marcado por fortes disputas entre as lideranças das antigas organizações político-militares que compunham a FMLN. Handal foi o principal protagonista dessas lutas, nas quais que ganhou poder e reconhecimento (...)
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  40.  33
    Self-regulation of Sexist Digital Advertising: From Ethics to Law.David López Jiménez, Eduardo Carlos Dittmar & Jenny Patricia Vargas Portillo - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 171 (4):709-718.
    Advertising is a booming activity both in the physical realm and on the Internet. Online advertising is growing and is subject to legal standards, although some self-imposed ethical standards for the industry are needed. This has been called self-regulation. This article examines the important role that self-regulation can play in addressing advertising that uses degrading and discriminatory images of women that compromise their dignity. Sexist advertising is a reification of women—stereotypes and sexist social models—that do not convey a realistic image (...)
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  41.  69
    Walter Benjamin Y Georges Sorel: Entre el mito de la huelga general Y Una política de medios puros.Carlos Pérez López - 2015 - Trans/Form/Ação 38 (1):213-238.
    En su ensayo Para una crítica de la violencia, Walter Benjamin reivindica el fenómeno social de la huelga general revolucionaria teorizada por Georges Sorel en su obra Reflexiones sobre la violencia, como una figura ejemplar de lo que sería un “medio puro de la política”, al margen de cualquier forma legitimada de poder. En este marco, pocos comentadores contemporáneos advierten una discordancia conceptual entre ambos filósofos: para Sorel, la huelga revolucionaria es un mito social, mientras que el mito, categoría esencialmente (...)
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    New frontiers in the future of palliative care: real-world bioethical dilemmas and axiology of clinical practice.Uría Guevara-López, Myriam M. Altamirano-Bustamante & Carlos Viesca-Treviño - 2015 - BMC Medical Ethics 16 (1):11.
    In our time there is growing interest in developing a systematic approach to oncologic patients and end-of-life care. An important goal within this domain is to identify the values and ethical norms that guide physicians’ decisions and their recourse to technological aids to preserve life. Though crucial, this objective is not easy to achieve.
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  43.  21
    La enseñanza de los derechos humanos y del derecho humanitario en la universidad.Carlos López Dawson - 2001 - Polis 1.
    El artículo, tras validar la importancia de las organizaciones de derechos humanos y las de familiares de las víctimas en Chile, y del realce de este tema en los gobiernos de la Concertación, se centra en analizar el rol de las universidades frente a este tema, argumentando la necesidad de que estas desempeñen la noble tarea de formar profesionales ciudadanos, es decir personas con una formación basada en los derechos humanos. Para ello se focaliza en los objetivos y contenidos transversales (...)
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    « Les maladies héréditaires » : 18th century disputes in France/Les maladies héréditaires : controverses au XVIIIe siècle en France.Carlos Lopez Beltran - 1995 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 48 (3):307-350.
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    Pupillary Measures of the Cognitive Effort in Auditory Novel Word Processing and Short-Term Retention.Susana López-Ornat, Alexandra Karousou, Carlos Gallego, Leire Martín & Raquel Camero - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Foucault y los sueños. Despertar de la existencia, experiencia meditativa y técnica de sí.Carlos Pérez López & Soledad Nívoli - 2024 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 45 (131):433-465.
    El tema de los sueños en la obra de Foucault tiene un lugar marginal, aunque muestra una intermitente persistencia a lo largo del tiempo, ya que es posible encontrarlo primero en su escrito temprano sobre Binswanger; luego, en sus reflexiones en torno a la historia de la locura; y, finalmente, en sus abordajes sobre las “técnicas de sí” en la Antigüedad. En el presente artículo se propone un recorrido por estos tres momentos en los que Foucault se ocupa de los (...)
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  47. EXPERIENCIA RELIGIOSA, LENGUAJE Y LIBERTAD.Arboleda Mora Carlos & Castrillón López Luis Alberto - 2016 - Anales de Teología 18 (1):65-89.
    Se percibe en el mundo académico de la teología y de la praxis pastoral, un giro general y englobante hacia el sujeto, la experiencia, la donación del amor, la misericordia, el mundo vivido de los hombres y la vivencia de la fe en la vida cotidiana de un mundo secularizado. Es un anhelo de salir de la simple conceptualización y de las discusiones sin fin sobre la fe, para dar paso a una vivencia y a una experiencia de lo creído (...)
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  48. RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE, LANGUAGE AND FREEDOM.Arboleda Carlos & Castrillón López Luis - 2016 - Anales de Teología 18 (1. 2016).
    Se percibe en el mundo académico de la teología y de la praxis pastoral, un giro general y englobante hacia el sujeto, la experiencia, la donación del amor, la misericordia, el mundo vivido de los hombres y la vivencia de la fe en la vida cotidiana de un mundo secularizado. Es un anhelo de salir de la simple conceptualización y de las discusiones sin fin sobre la fe, para dar paso a una vivencia y a una experiencia de lo creído (...)
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    El pasado filosófico local.Carlos Arturo López Jiménez - 2023 - Revista Disertaciones 12 (2):61-73.
    Enseñar historia de la filosofía en los programas de filosofía universitarios es mucho más que transmitir información sobre el pasado de una disciplina académica. En este artículo se indica la triple función de la tradición de referencia en la formación de agentes de la filosofía: histórica, didáctica y metodológica. Ello con el fin de incitar la producción de reflexiones sobre el lugar del pasado filosófico local y sus posibles concreciones como historias de la filosofía en Colombia, o su participación en (...)
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    Controlled Model Exploration.Gabriel G. Infante-Lopez, Carlos Areces & Maarten de Rijke - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 205-220.
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